Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 061 with Sonya Spillmann: Practice Putting Things Where They Belong.
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Sonya lives in the DC area with her husband and four kids through birth and adoption. She’s a critical care nurse by training but currently writes for Coffee+Crumbs and is a co-host for the Exhale Creativity podcast.
In this Ep. 061, you’ll learn from Sonya about…
- Practicing putting things where they belong
- Starting with the basics
- Starting with what you know
- What to do with strained relationships
- How do we approach fear
- What to do when life looks messy
- Putting your trust in Jesus when nothing else makes sense
- Being a Type A woman
Tune in here to Episode 061. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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