Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 052 with Tasha Jun: Identity, Belonging and Lost Things Becoming Found.
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Tasha is a biracial Korean American melancholy dreamer, a storyteller and poet, wife to Matt, and mama to three little warriors. She’s a write-from-home mom and contributes regularly to a number of publications. Tasha has lived and stood in places where cultures collide for as long as she can remember, and most days you’ll find her homesick and thinking about identity, belonging, and lost things becoming found. She’s been writing about those things ever since she received her first journal in the third grade.
In this Ep. 052, you’ll learn from Tasha about…
- Growing up in a multicultural and biracial home
- Experiencing a lot of different cultures
- Cultures colliding
- Culture loss
- Loss being carried from one generation to the next
- Myths and misconceptions of mixed race women
- Embracing the place where cultures collide
- How does faith intertwine with ethnic identity
- Being a homesick believer
Tune in here to Episode 052. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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