Episode 006: Wynne Elder – Let’s Normalize Counseling
Wynne lives in Texas with her college sweetheart and their three kids. She is a lifestyle blogger where she enthusiastically talks about helping women live intentional lives. She also runs a wellness community, called Haven + Flourish, where she has helped over 6,500 people pursue a lifestyle of wellness through Young Living.
It is her passion to see women empowered, free, and living their purpose. She loves traveling, exploring new places, being disconnected from wifi in the outdoors, oat milk lattes, Jesus, gratitude journaling and kitchen dance parties with her three kids.
I was so excited to chat with Wynne about counseling/therapy because I’m pretty sure we all need it/will need it at some point in our lives and we might as well get started instead of shaming ourselves for it.
We jumped right in talking about just that: Why is there so much shame around counseling?
And, how can we change that?
Wynne said she thinks we’re afraid of what we think people will think about us.
We talked about how you don’t just take care of yourself when you’re sick; you try to prevent it by living healthily. Same goes for our mental and emotional care. “Don’t just wait till you get to that point of desperation.”
We all have real stuff going on behind the scenes and under the surface.
But each of us needs to be open and willing to work through the hard stuff. But it’s so worth it.
Wynne shared about some of the tools and resources she’s learned from counseling, like figuring out what triggers you.
We talked about what a counseling session is really like and how to best prepare for it and make the most of it.
One of my favorite things Wynne shared was: “Free people, free people.”
If we work through our hurts then we have the opportunity to help other people do the same.
“Counseling has helped me recognize that who I am is not what I do or what I can produce but who I am is who God created me to be.”
Wynne shared how counseling has improved her marriage and her relationship with her kids.
Listen in here. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
Show Links
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
For more on EMDR.
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