Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 059 with Wendy Speake: The 40-Day Social Media Fast.
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Wendy is the author of The 40-Day Sugar Fast and The 40-Day Social Media Fast and is coauthor of Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses. She hosts her annual online 40-Day Sugar Fast every January and her 40-Day Social Media Fast every Lent. Whether in speaking or writing, Wendy uses every opportunity to point women to the Gospel.
In this Ep. 059, you’ll learn from Wendy about…
- Whether or not social media is bad
- Signs someone needs a social media fast
- What fasting from social media looks like
- Ways to fill the time we usually spend on social media
- The hardest part of the 40-day social media fast
- Benefits of the 40-day social media fast
- Long-term effects of the 40-day sugar fast
- Long-term effects of the 40-day social media fast
Tune in here to Episode 059. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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Links from the show
Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism
Connect with Wendy
Connect with Becky