Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 065 with Courtney Kibby Cooper – Tapping into Your Creativity.

Get Becky’s Go-To Guide for Letting Go + Living Freely: Biblical truths, practical tips, resources and journal prompts that’ll make you feel lighter and live freer.
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Courtney is a fine artist mama based in Oklahoma. Fueled by her own battle with anxiety and depression, Courtney’s heart is to share the peace of Jesus through fine art. Probably covered in children and dry hair shampoo, she’s got her cold coffee in hand and paintbrush at the ready to tell your story beautifully.
In this Ep. 065, you’ll learn from Courtney about…
- How art helps us through anxiety and depression
- How art plays a role in healing
- Creating art feels therapeutic
- Spending time in creation
- Art therapy and tapping into your creativity
- How everyday people can use art to surrender
- God has made everything beautiful in its time
- Appreciation is a form of art
- How to look for and enjoy God’s creation
Tune in here to Episode 065. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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Links from the show
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
God and the Pandemic N.T. Wright
Connect with Courtney
Connect with Becky