Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 038 with Katie Blackburn: Motherhood is Nothing Like I Thought it Would Be.
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Katie Blackburn is a wife, mama to five, writer (Coffee + Crumbs contributor), teacher and learner. She is saved by grace; and helped along the way by quiet mornings at her kitchen table with God’s Word and a good cup of cold brew coffee.
In this Ep. 038, you’ll learn from Katie about…
- How her family came together and it’s nothing like she thought would happen
- How her desire to be near and help the broken lead her to foster and adopt their daughter
- How motherhood is nothing like she thought it would be
- Her greatest challenges in motherhood
- How motherhood sanctifies us to become more like Christ
- How to meet the needs of your children
- How pride can be so crippling and what to do about it
Tune in here to Episode 038. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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Links from the show
The Magic of Motherhood book by Ashlee Gadd
Connect with Katie
Connect with Becky