Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 053 with Jess Jordana: Living in the In-Between.
Get Becky’s Go-To Guide for Letting Go + Living Freely: Biblical truths, practical tips, resources and journal prompts that’ll make you feel lighter and live freer.
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Jess is a copywriter (a.k.a. heart translator) who helps creative business owners turn their passionate mumblings into words people actually “get.” She drinks iced coffee all year round, and firmly believes if date night isn’t tacos, you’re doing it wrong. She’s worked with everyone from solopreneurs to organizations like Rising Tide Society, but her most impressive accomplishment is surviving teaching in the high school classroom and getting to meet her former students for coffee when they come back from college.
In this Ep. 053, you’ll learn from Jess about…
- Waiting to have a baby
- Making loose plans and trusting God’s plans
- Having a miscarriage
- Processing grief
- How to live your best life while you’re waiting
- Leaving room for miracles
- How God shows up in the waiting
- Biggest challenges of living in the in-between
- What happens when we force things to happen
- Greatest rewards of living in the in-between
- Love is not a result of what we do
Tune in here to Episode 053. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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