Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 056 with Rebecca George: Keeping an Eternal Perspective.
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Rebecca is the founder and visionary of Do The Thing Movement – a podcast community where listeners are cheered on each week to make God known through their creative mission. Rebecca is a speaker, writer, career coach and podcast interview coach whose greatest joy is discipling others to pursue their passions in a way that builds the Kingdom. She is also a Project Manager for the Blythe Daniel Literary Agency. In her free time you can find her running outside, writing or trying a new recipe with Garth Brooks playing in the background.
In this Ep. 056, you’ll learn from Rebecca about…
- What is an eternal perspective
- How do we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus
- Walking in community with other believers
- What is the hardest part of keeping an eternal perspective
- How do we redirect our thoughts toward Jesus
- How we can share and spread this outlook with non-believers, with our words and actions, in a way that feels genuine and does not sound preachy
- God is still on the throne regardless who wins presidential election
- What are we focused on if we’re kingdom minded
Tune in here to Episode 056. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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Links from the show
5-week study: She Will Not Be Moved
Connect with Rebecca
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