Thanks for listening to We Are Free Ep. 057 with Scarlet Hiltibidal: Afraid of (and Anxious About) All the Things.
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Scarlet is the author of Afraid of All the Things and He Numbered the Pores on My Face. She writes monthly columns for ParentLife Magazine and LifeWay Voices, and enjoys speaking to women around the country about the freedom and rest available in Jesus. Scarlet has a degree in biblical counseling and taught elementary school before she started writing. She and her husband live in Nashville, where she loves signing with her three daughters, eating nachos by herself, writing for her friends, and studying stand-up comedy with a passion that should be reserved for more important pursuits.
In this Ep. 057, you’ll learn from Scarlet about…
- What it looks like to have anxiety at a young age
- How she was missing the whole point of Christianity
- Eating disorders and Christianity
- Spiritual anxiety
- Why it’s important not to neglect community
- Common fears surrounding adoption
- God did not create us to live in fear
- Encouragement for women suffering from anxiety
- How to practically and emotionally surrender anxiety to God
- Go-to Bible verses for when you’re feeling afraid
Tune in here to Episode 057. Know someone else who could use this episode in her life? Tell her you’re thinking about her and love her and that you have something you know will encourage her today <3
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Links from the show
Scarlet’s book: Afraid of All the Things
Scarlet’s book: He Numbered the Pores on My Face
Scarlet’s Bible study coming out August 2021: Anxious: Fighting Anxiety with the Word of God
Tim Keller’s sermon: The Wounded Spirit
Connect with Scarlet
Connect with Becky